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Launch of the ICM Final Report in ViennaRead more

Has the United Nations system sufficiently adapted to the challenges of the 21st century world? If not, how does it need to change? These were the central questions addressed during the launch of the summary report of the Independent Commission on Multilateralism (ICM), entitled “Pulling Together: The Multilateral System and its Future," which was held in Vienna on December 14 at the (…)

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  • ICM Meets With Civil Society RepresentativesRead more

    NY-based civil society representatives were invited to a briefing by Secretary-General Hardeep Singh Puri on the ICM and how it plans to engage with civil society in New York and globally throughout the course of its work. During the discussion, Mr. Puri noted that the ICM is actively seeking input from civil society—it will not be presenting a finished product to be commented on, but rather wants to involve civil society in the process as the ICM develops its thematic issues and discussion (…)

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