
ICM Policy Paper: Global Pandemics and Global Public HealthRead more

The global health architecture is increasingly under strain. Pandemics and epidemics are occurring at an unprecedented rate in recent years, and the Ebola crisis in particular revealed serious flaws in the capability of the system to prevent and respond to these crises. As the links between health, development, and security challenges become ever clearer, the multilateral system anchored in (…)

What’s New

  • ICM Policy Paper: The Impact of New Technologies on Peace, Security, and DevelopmentRead more

    The current wave of technological change has created new opportunities for multilateral cooperation across a wide range of areas, including sustainable development, conflict prevention, humanitarian responses, peace operations, and state-society relations. At the same time, however, it has created an enduring “digital divide,” raised questions about Internet governance and privacy, and led to new forms of warfare that challenge existing international human rights and humanitarian laws.
    The (…)

  • ICM Policy Paper: The New Primacy of Partnerships Between the UN, Regional Organizations, Civil Society, and the Private SectorRead more

    Over the past few years, the world has been confronted with a series of crises that have challenged perceptions of global stability. Whether a moment of high risk or great opportunity, this is without a doubt a moment of growing complexity. More actors, institutions, and networks of interests are engaged in the international sphere than ever before.
    This policy paper explores three groups of these actors: regional organizations; civil society and NGOs; and the private sector. It also asks (…)

  • ICM Policy Paper: Weapons of Mass DestructionRead more

    While the threat of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) may seem antiquated and unlikely to materialize, the mere existence of WMD remains one of the paramount threats to mankind. Nuclear weapons present not only the biggest existential threat, but also the biggest gap in the multilateral disarmament and non-proliferation architecture. In this context, on March 27, 2017, more than 100 countries launched the first UN talks on a global nuclear weapons ban.
    This policy paper explores key (…)

  • ICM Policy Paper: Humanitarian EngagementsRead more

    The preservation of human dignity and the desire to reduce human suffering are at the core of the contemporary international order and underpin all three pillars of the multilateral system anchored in the UN. Yet never before has the world witnessed humanitarian needs on such an epic scale and in so many simultaneous crises around the world. And never before has the gap between those needs and the international community’s capacity to deliver an adequate response appeared greater than it (…)

  • Launch of the ICM Final Report in ViennaRead more

    Has the United Nations system sufficiently adapted to the challenges of the 21st century world? If not, how does it need to change? These were the central questions addressed during the launch of the summary report of the Independent Commission on Multilateralism (ICM), entitled “Pulling Together: The Multilateral System and its Future," which was held in Vienna on December 14 at the International Peace Institute (IPI).
    The ICM was established to identify threats and challenges to (…)

"Our aim is to hear your concrete, practical ideas about how the system can be made better,” said ICM Chair Kevin Rudd.

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