
Public Consultation on Justice, Human Rights, and the International Legal SystemRead more

The ICM hosted a public consultation on June 14th on its discussion paper “Justice, Human Rights, and the International Legal System.”
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The United Nations Charter underscores the vital importance of promoting respect for fundamental human rights, including to achieve lasting peace and sustainable development. In addition to the robust normative framework on universal (…)

Retreats and Public Consultations

  • Public Consultation on Weapons of Mass Destruction, Non-Proliferation, and DisarmamentRead more

    The ICM hosted a public consultation on June 8th on its discussion paper “Weapons of Mass Destruction, Non-Proliferation, and Disarmament.”
    Watch the webcast: The threat of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) may seem antiquated and unlikely to materialize, but the mere existence of WMD remains one of the paramount risks to global peace and stability. While important baseline multilateral tools to counter WMD threats and prevent proliferation exist, few of these tools address nuclear (…)

  • Public Consultation on Global Pandemics and Global Public HealthRead more

    The ICM hosted a public consultation on June 6th at the Geneva Institute on its discussion paper “Global Pandemics and Global Public Health.”
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    The links between health, development, and security challenges are becoming ever clearer. The Ebola crisis in particular exposed serious weaknesses in the global health architecture and its ensuing impact on development and security. The multilateral system anchored in the United Nations must address these issues, and the (…)

  • Public Consultation on Humanitarian EngagementsRead more

    The ICM hosted a public consultation on June 3rd on its discussion paper “Humanitarian Engagements.”
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    Never before has the gap between humanitarian needs and the international capacity to deliver an adequate humanitarian response appeared greater than it does today. The ICM’s discussion paper on Humanitarian Engagements aims to identify the main reasons underlying this reality and to trigger a discussion on how the multilateral system anchored in the United Nations can (…)

  • Public Consultation on Armed Conflict: Mediation, Conciliation, and PeacekeepingRead more

    The ICM hosted a public consultation on May 26th on its discussion paper: “Armed Conflict: Mediation, Conciliation, and Peacekeeping.”
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    Mediation and peacekeeping are some of the most visible United Nations activities and offer important conflict management tools for the multilateral system. The increased involvement of different actors, as well as the increased presence of organized crime in conflict settings, have made recent armed conflicts resistant to peaceful (…)

  • Public Consultation on Engaging, Supporting, and Empowering Global YouthRead more

    The ICM hosted a public consultation on May 20th on its discussion paper “Engaging, Supporting, and Empowering Global Youth.”
    Watch the webcast:
    Initiatives to create spaces for youth in national, regional, and multilateral policymaking does not always address the exclusion of youth from existing spaces and spheres of power. Access to modern information technology, mobile phones that support internet service, and online communication platforms have leveled hierarchies and provided many (…)

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