
Justice, Human Rights, and the International Legal SystemRead more

Tenth ICM Retreat Analyzes Justice, Human Rights, and the International Legal SystemRead more
Justice and accountability for human rights violations occupy a major place on the stage of international relations, both in the multilateral system anchored in the United Nations, as well as more globally. In recent decades, human rights norms and treaties have proliferated, a (…)

Issue Areas

  • Weapons of Mass Destruction, Non-Proliferation, and DisarmamentRead more

    Twelfth ICM Retreat Examines Weapons of Mass Destruction, Non-Proliferation, and DisarmamentRead more
    The United Nations has been seized of the issue of weapons of mass destruction since its very beginning. There have been many achievements in the fields of non-proliferation and disarmament, but the multilateral system has not been able to deliver on its promises dating back to 1946. This is in part due to the fact that the required efforts to fill the legal gap in the (…)

  • Global Pandemics and Global Public HealthRead more

    Thirteenth ICM Retreat Analyzes Global Pandemics and Global Public HealthRead more
    The recent Ebola and Zika crises demonstrate the global vulnerability to emerging infectious diseases and the devastation they unleash. Apart from the human suffering they cause, health crises of this sort tend to have longer-term consequences, including in terms of security, economic growth and sustainable development. Ebola perhaps was most extreme in exposing the multilateral system’s (…)

  • Humanitarian EngagementsRead more

    Eleventh ICM Retreat Discusses Humanitarian EngagementsRead more
    An alarming number of countries are trapped in humanitarian crises that are increasingly protracted or recurring due to a combination of complex conflict dynamics, economic and development challenges, political instability, insecurity, and cyclical natural hazards. There are humanitarian needs on an epic scale occurring in simultaneous crises around the world. And in spite of the considerable growth of (…)

  • Armed Conflict: Mediation, Conciliation and PeacekeepingRead more

    Sixteenth ICM Retreat Analyzes Armed Conflict: Mediation, Conciliation, and Peacekeeping Read more
    The persistence of armed conflict and its effects lies at the center of current crises, precipitating concerns that global stability is at risk. Taking a long view of history, the world is less war-torn than in previous centuries. Yet while the overall number of armed conflicts continues to decline, the number of conflict-related deaths has risen dramatically in recent (…)

  • Engaging, Supporting, and Empowering Global YouthRead more

    Fourteenth ICM Retreat Discusses Engaging, Supporting, and Empowering Global YouthRead more
    People under the age of 24 make up 48% of the world’s population, representing a clear demographic and democratic imperative for their further inclusion and participation in policy-making circles at national and international levels. A lack of adequate representation has fostered a growing crisis of credibility and legitimacy among individual states and, consequently, the (…)

Fifteen Issue Areas Cover Scope of Multilateral System

Over the course of two years, the Independent Commission on Multilateralism has been analyzing the multilateral system through the lens of fifteen issue areas.

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