
Discussion Paper on Justice, Human Rights, and the International Legal SystemRead more

Despite the development of a variety of mechanisms to assist states in meeting their human rights obligations under international law, significant challenges in terms of implementation and compliance remain. This paper explores these challenges and offers recommendations to strengthen the multilateral system’s capacity to promote and ensure respect for human rights and foster accountability and justice for violations.

Discussion Papers

  • Discussion Paper on Weapons of Mass Destruction, Non-proliferation, and DisarmamentRead more

    Weapons of mass destruction (WMD), particularly nuclear weapons, remain one of the greatest threats to mankind, yet the multilateral nonproliferation and disarmament machinery has stalled. This paper explores key challenges and developments in the field of nonproliferation and disarmament of WMD and offers recommendations for revitalizing the multilateral machinery.

  • Discussion Paper on Global Pandemics and Global Public HealthRead more

    With the global health architecture increasingly under strain and the links between health, development, and security becoming ever clearer, the multilateral system must address global health issues with renewed focus. This paper explores the main challenges related to global health, provides an overview of current debates, and offers a number of recommendations to the multilateral system.

  • Discussion Paper on Humanitarian EngagementsRead more

    Never before has the gap between humanitarian needs and the international capacity to deliver an adequate humanitarian response appeared greater than it does today. This paper aims to identify the main reasons underlying this reality and to trigger a discussion on how the multilateral system can better prevent and respond to humanitarian crises.

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